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Sunday, 22 June 2014

Double High Capacity Egg Incubator

call 08138281133 for purchase and consultation

Double cocks with high capacity( 240 eggs) and 5 motors( each shelf equipped by a separate motor and turning system and works in silence. Rotating mechanism is located in the gearbox.

240 eggs

Note :

By Default the machine is equipped with  chicken egg turners that has a capacity of 240 chicken eggs  or 240 quail eggs .

If the Quail turner is purchased , the machine has the capacity of 600 Quail eggs .

If the Goose turner is purchased , the machine has the capacity of 90 Goose eggs.

If the Ostrich turner is purchased , the machine has the capacity of 12 Ostrich eggs .

 Include : 1 heating system
               2 temperature control system
               2 thermostats
               1 alcohol thermometer
               2 computerized thermometer
               2 Hygrometer

 1 year warranty

 5 years parts supply

 Has an ISO 9001_ 2008 standard

 The machine is designed such that the failure of any parts, emergency parts will be active.

Monday, 16 June 2014

setting eggs in the incubator and storage

08138281133 for purchaes and consultation

This process consists of setting eggs in the incubator, direct from their arrival at the hatchery and  before placing in the cool room, at a temperature of 37.7-37.8°C (99.9-100.1°F) for a period of 6 hours.

 Tests that have been conducted in hatcheries have always shown positive results (+4.1% on

average for eggs stored between 4 and 13 days), but other researchers have obtained less

conclusive results. The stage of embryonic development at the time of oviposition, pre-incubation
temperature and the length of time since the egg was laid all seem to be factors that can greatly affect the success of this method.

 Fasenko G.M. et al (2003b) found that pre-incubation a few days after being laid can have negative

effects on hatchability.

This technique should be used with caution. 
The method is as yet not properly defined and 

beneficial effects may not always occur. The method is not always practical, as one incubator is

permanently dedicated to this process.

 “Physiological zero” the temperature at which embryonic development ceases is also not well

defined. Decuypere E. and Michels H. (1992) reviewed this subject in more detail. Some

researchers found that it is 20-21°C (68.0-69.8°F), while others found it to be 25-27°C (77.0-

80.6°F) with some even saying 28-29°C (82.4-84.2°F).

 This variation in physiological zero temperature may be linked to different requirements and

functions of the tissues concerned. This is indirectly shown by Wilson H.R. (1991) where a

disproportionate development is observed when the embryo is maintained at a temperature

varying between 27-35°C (80.6-95.0°F).

 Water loss during storage.

 The organic cuticle that covers the shell at the pore level forms layers full of cracks and crevices

that enlarge as the egg ages and allow the gaseous exchange between the egg and the ambient air.

Water loss is caused by evaporation, which is determined by the length of storage, temperature and humidity of the ambient air and the surface and porosity of the shell (Sauveur B., 1988). Initially, evaporation starts from the shell membranes. This is followed by evaporation from the

Sunday, 15 June 2014


below is a reasearch work on incubation which i wilkie everyone visiting this sites to see it a pdf report so you have access by making a download of it
 you can reach me me on 08138281133 Incubation Guide ¨ 
Characteristics of hatching eggs
 4 ¨ Selection of hatching eggs 5
 ¨ Disinfection of eggs
 8 From ovulation to oviposition 
12 Pre-incubation (PRESI) 
14Physical-chemical consequences on storing eggs 
15 Storage conditions 
18 Recommendations 
21 Effects of storage on incubation time ¨Pre-heating
 23 ¨ Incubation temperature 
24 ¨ Humidity during incubation
 33 ¨ Turning 3
5 ¨ CO2 
37 ¨ Loading the machines
 39 ¨ Disinfection during incubation
 40 ¨ Incubation room environment 
40 Transfer room environment 
41 Hatcher temperatures 
42 ¨ Humidity during hatching


call 08138281133 for sales and consultation
99 -102 Deg. F
.Humidity 50%-65% RH
Egg Turning  at least 2x/day Air Flow air and gas exchange
1. Clucking
2. Stays away from the rest of the flock
3. Ruffled feathers
4. Aggressive and protective of nest
5. On the nest at night
1. No electricity
2. Hen does all the work
3. Will brood chicks after they hatch.
4. High hatchability rate
5. Some breeds hatch better under hens (Nankin) than in incubators.
6. Good for hatching small # of chicks per year.
1. Hen sometimes breaks eggs.
2. Will occasionally quit and get off nest.
3. Hen sitting is 1 less not laying in the flock.
4. Can only sit on a small # of eggs at a time.
5. Disease transmission from hen to chick
7.   Most made of Styrofoam or plastic (home made can be made of other material)
8.  Screen for eggs to lie on
9.  Egg turning kits are available for some models
10. Will hold a limited number of eggs
11. Operate in a room temperature of 50-80 degrees (out of sunlight)
12. Incubate and hatch on same wire floor
2.Little Giant
Home Made
1. Easy to use
2. Not very expensive
3. Does not take up much room
4. Good for hatching small to medium #   of chicks
5. Does not use much electricity
1. Hatchability can be low
2. Temperature and humidity can be hard to regulate   
3. Some models you have to turn eggs by hand
4. Hot and cold spots in incubator
5. Can have high number of deformities in chicks
6. Can be hard to clean
7.  Some models have hatching tray at bottom
8.  Openings in back of incubatorfor humidity
9.  Automatic egg turner (turns every 2 hours)
10. Large egg capacity
11. Operate in a room temperature of
50-80 degrees
12. Draft free room with fresh air
1. Hatchability usually very good
2. Most Forced Air Styles will last for years
3. Incubators can easily hatch several thousand chicks per year
4. Fairly easy to clean
5. Almost a turn key system
1. Can take up a lot of room
2. Can be expensive to buy
EGG COLLECTION. Collect eggs every day.
2.Should use a good nesting materiala) hay
b) wheat straw
c) pine shavings
3. Only set good quality egg)
no cracked egg,
really small egg,
really big eggs (double yolked )   abnormally shaped eggse
 extremely dirty eggs
f) thin shelled eggs
1.Warm water and bleach
2.Warm water and dish soap
3.Tek-Trol disinfectant
4.Extremely dirty eggs do not set
5.Pooled eggs
6. Custom hatching
1.Regulate incubator temperature and humidity and let run for 2-3 days.
2. Set eggs in trays little end down big end up (air
3. After eggs are set, expect incubator temperature to drop, temperature will regulate.
4. Predation in incubator
1. Three days before eggs are scheduled to hatch; eggs should be placed on their    side in the hatching tray.  
2. Raise humidity to 60% or higher.
3. Lower temperature to 98.5 deg. F. @ 1        degree.
4. After chicks hatch leave in hatching tray  for 24 hours to harden off.

1. Wear certain clothes and boots only while tending your poultry or hatching area. 
2. Clean boots and disinfect at the beginning and end of each visit to your poultry or hatching area.
 3. Store feed out of reach of rodents and wild birds.
4. Regularly clean and disinfect buildings, pens, equipment, incubators and hatching area.   
5. Use common sense if you tend a poultry sale or auction.
6. Have a quarantine area set up for new birds approximately for 30 days.
7. If you are pooling eggs with other breeders be sure breeders birds are clean.
 8. Limit traffic on your farm.
9. Not wise to let people borrow your incubator.
10. Develop a bio-security plan for your farm and hatching area.
11. Vaccinate your breeding flock.

Friday, 6 June 2014

electric/digital incubator machine

 call 08138281133 for purchase and consultation
 Environmentally friendly incubating machine with high capacity( 240 eggs) and 5 motors( each shelf equipped by a separate motor and turning rotation system and works in silence. Rotating mechanism is located in the gearbox).

Note :
By Default the machine is equipped with  chicken egg turners that has a capacity of 240 chicken eggs  or 240 quail eggs .
If the Quail  egg turner is purchased , the machine has the capacity of 600 Quail eggs .
If the Goose egg turner is purchased , the machine has the capacity of 90  Goose eggs.
If the Ostrich  egg turner is purchased , the machine has the capacity of 12 Ostrich eggs .

the machine  Includes the following devices
1 Heating system
1 Thermo controller system
2 Humidity controller system
1 Alcohol thermometer
2 Hygrometer
1 Egg candler 
 Input : 220 V AC &12 V DC , 70W
1 year warranty
5 years parts supply
Has an ISO 9001_ 2008 standard

call 08138281133

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Kerosene incubator

Kerosene incubators which may also be called oil heated incubator are manually operated hatchery machine used in hatching all kind of bird egg
This incubators can be used for both production and experimental purposes and comes in various capacity as may be needed by the users
Operating a kerosene incubator is not hard to work with as you wont be bothered about all the digital operational taps of the digital one
How kerosene incubator works
The kerosene lamp heats up the water inside the incubator which then regulates the temperature inside the incubator making it suitable for egg hatching
But the following activity most be done to ensure a good percentage of productive production
Humidity regulation
Egg turning
Because of the nature of the manually operated incubator ,it requires close monitoring in order to ensure good output
To prevent diseases and reduce loss of chicks  from infecting the eggs within the incubator its better to have multiple  smaller capacity  incubator than large once except in rear cases where you  will always have more than normal amount of eggs to hatch
To get a 300 capacity incubator  right from our base in Ibadan
Call 08138281133
Delivery ,
if you cant come over to our base
We can deliver the incubator to the nearest bus stop in the following states
And imo
We will be delivering to northern states in the future


Sample text

Sample Text
